This year as we prepare for what will most likely be a Thanksgiving unlike any others – fingers crossed next year will be back to normal – we’ve found ourselves thinking about gratitude in different ways. While we’re always thankful for the big important things like our family, friends, and health, this year has made us realize how grateful we are for the little stuff that we took for granted in the past.
At our last team Zoom meeting, we asked everyone about the small things they have found themselves grateful for, and in addition to everything mentioned above, we got some very truthful and fun answers. Read below for everyone’s list of the little things 2020 has made them appreciate so much more!
Tim Cusick
- I’m grateful for less traffic, shorter or absolutely no wait times at my favorite places (and that they are still open), and the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
- I’m also grateful real estate was considered an essential industry and that it’s continued to stay busy!
Barb Savoy
- I’m grateful that despite being a native of Scottsdale and knowing what I thought I knew about hot summers, I managed to survive the hottest summer on record, and nobody in my family tried to drown one another.
- I’m grateful that technology has advanced to the point I can work safely from home, but still be connected to the team and clients.
- I miss seeing the team daily, but I’m grateful to have four dogs and one cat for office mates.
- I’m grateful that Amazon can deliver just about anything I need (and a few things I don’t really NEED) right to my front doorstep in 48 hours or less.
- I’m grateful the negative election ads are over!
- I’m grateful my favorite grocery store provides a discount for purchasing six or more bottles of wine!
Keli Lucas
- I’m grateful for extra snuggle time with my fur babies, Prince and Ella.
- I’m grateful that the Almond Joy cookies at Safeway were never out of stock.
- I’m grateful for being able to spend more time outside.
- I’m grateful for technology – Zoom, Netflix, and noise-cancelling headphones have saved the day more than once!
- Let’s be honest….. alcohol should be added to this list too!
Lori Kelly
- I’m grateful for stretch pants.
- I’m grateful for the great wine prices at Costco.
- I’m super grateful the Valley’s cooler, beautiful, and sunshiny weather has finally arrived.
- I’m grateful to have a job.
- And finally, I’m grateful for still liking the people I work with as well as the ones I live with 😉
This Thanksgiving when you’re going around the table and saying what you’re most thankful for, why not throw in a few of the smaller things? After all, the above-mentioned items have made 2020 not only bearable, but also fun at times!
All of us at The Cusick Group wish you a safe and peaceful holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!